Test optimization during test generation can be affected by a) selecting test targets as “TARGET”, “BLOCK” or “DON’T_CARE” in the Test Targets view and b) the selected Test Case Selection option in the Conformiq Options dialog. In a Creator project, test target settings are stored as part of so called a Test Design Configuration (TDC). When creating a new Creator project there is always one such DC in the project but users can add as many as they want. The use of multiple Test Design Configurations allows to evaluate test optimizations for different test target selections. For example, one TDC can have the default (full) selection of test targets whereas the other has only a subset selected as “TARGET” and “block” some targets which are “TARGET” in the other TDC. This way user can get after each single test generation one set of tests optimized for “regression” and one for “progression” testing. Notice that scripting backends need to be attached separately for each TDC.