Converting Requirements to Gherkin Scenarios through SmartGen
The Conformiq SmartGen feature is based on GenAI technology for conversion of requirements into Gherkin scenarios. The Generative Pre-trained Transformer Large Language Model (LLM) takes high level text-form based requirements as input and generates Gherkin feature file.
The feature file is opened automatically in Creator’s Gherkin feature file editor. Furthermore, this feature file can be processed through GherkinBDD importer and models can be created.
Recommendation: As with any the GenAI implementation, it is always recommended to review this output feature file content or the model manually to add/edit/delete any scenarios, for both completeness and correctness. |
This process of conversion saves lot of manual effort and time involved in building the models. Once the models is finalized, the rest of the workflow within Creator remains as-is. Users can generate optimized test suite and derive other benefits Creator has to offer.
SmartGen is a separately licensed module. Users can access SmartGen features only with valid license provided by ConformIQ. Use of SmartGen feature also needs deploying and connecting to LLM. Please contact ConformIQ suport team for more details.
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