First Generation Self Healing

First Generation Self Healing

One of the reasons for test automation script getting failed during execution phase is “bad locator” - the locator value configured within the script is no longer valid (due to new version deployment) and now the application element cannot be identified.

The analysis of such false failures is unproductive effort, and precious time is lost in test execution and the overall project cycle.

The concept of “Self-Healing” is to bring try identify the element even in such situations and make the script execution a success.

The “First Generation Self-Healing” capability adds multiple attributes in xpath definitions in Creator’s output scripts to try and identify the element by any of the available and preferred attributes. The different attributes are defined in xpath definition using OR condition.

The attribute information is saved in the Structure Diagram file for the related widget’s Annotation property. This can also be added with Web Page Scan during creation of new SD.

Please contact ConformIQ Support team for more information.

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